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06.01.12 24:00
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Олдхэм Атлетик 

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03.01.12 24:00
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Манчестер Сити

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Главная » Файлы » Песни о "Ливерпуле"

Does This Train Stop In Liverpool

Текст песни:

McKenzie's soul lies above the ground in that
pyramid near Maryland (Street)

Easyjet is hanging in the air
takin' everyone to everywhere

See the slave ships sailing into port
the blood of Africa is on every wall

Now there's a ley line runs down Mathew Street
it's giving energy to all it meets

Hey does this train stop
does this train stop on Merseyside?

Alan Williams in the Marlboro' Arms
giving his story out to everyone

Famine boats are anchored in the bay
bringing in the poor and desperate

Hey does this train stop
does this train stop on Merseyside?

Boston babies bouncing on the ground
The Riggers beamin' out to every town

Can't conceive what those children done
guess there's a meanness in the soul of man

Yorkshire policemen chat with folded arms
while people try and save their fellow fans

Why don't you remember?
Просмотров: 385 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Гость | Дата: 16.09.2024

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Игрок матча(Стюарт Даунинг)

Бомбардиры сезона
1.Крейг Беллами 6
2. Луис Суарес 6
3.Энди Кэрролл 3
4. Чарли Адам 2
5. Мартин Шкртел  2
6.Макси Родригес2
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1. Ман.Сити   2560
2. Ман.Юнайтед 2558
3.Тоттенхэм 2553
5. Челси  2543
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  • 23 июля, С. Кириакос
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  • 24 сентября, Ф. Аурелио
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