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06.01.12 24:00
Ст-н «Энфилд»  


Олдхэм Атлетик 

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03.01.12 24:00
Ст-н «Эттихад»  

Манчестер Сити

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Главная » Файлы » Песни о "Ливерпуле"

Scouser Tommy
Длительность записи: 2:51
Битрейт файла: 128 kbps.

Одна из самых старых ливерпульских песен шестидесятых годов, хотя она обновлялась, чтобы включить в себя повествование о разгроме Эвертона в 1962 году четырьмя голами Иана Раша.
Текст песни:

Let me tell you the story of a poor boy
Who was sent far away from his home
To fight for his king and his country
and also the old folks back home.

So they put him in a highland division
Sent him off to a far, foreign land
Where the flies swarm around in their thousands
and there was nothing to see but the sand.

Well, the battle it started next morning
Under the radiant Sun.
I remember that poor scouser Tommy
he was shot by an old nazi gun.

As he lay on the battlefield dying, dying, dying
with the blood gushing out of his head, of his head
As he lay on the battlefield dying, dying, dying
These were the last words he said:-

Oh I am a Liverpudlian
and I come from the Spion Kop.
I love to sing, I love to shout
and I go there quite a lot, every week!.

We support the team that's dressed in red
It's a team that you all know
It's a team that we call Liverpool
and to glory we will go.

We've won the league
We've won the cup
We've conquered Europe too
And we played the toffees for a laugh
and we left them feeling blue, 5-0!

1, 2
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3, 4
Rush scored one
Rush scored two
Rush scored three
And Rush scores four
La la la la
la la la
la la
Просмотров: 430 | Загрузок: 0 | Добавил: Гость | Дата: 16.09.2024

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1.Крейг Беллами 6
2. Луис Суарес 6
3.Энди Кэрролл 3
4. Чарли Адам 2
5. Мартин Шкртел  2
6.Макси Родригес2
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1. Ман.Сити   2560
2. Ман.Юнайтед 2558
3.Тоттенхэм 2553
5. Челси  2543
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  • 23 июля, С. Кириакос
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